22 NOVEMBER & 13 - 16 DECEMBER 2021

4 day intensive workshop for professional actors interested in directing theatre, led by British theatre director Oliver Dawe

This workshop is for professional actors who are serious about becoming a theater director. 

From development and casting, to rehearsals and into performance, this intensive 4 day workshop will equip participants with the tools to begin forging their own directing process, through a practical exploration of the craft. 

Oliver Dawe draws on his wealth of first-hand experience across both classical and contemporary work to provide a clear methodological approach to creating immersive, engaging and vital theatre. 

Times and Dates:  10:00 – 17:00

Day 1: Monday 13/12
Day 2: Tuesday 14/12
Day 3: Wednesday 15/12
Day 4: Thursday 16/12

Venue: Det Andre Teatret, Ivan Bjørndals gate 9, 0472 Oslo

Cost: 2600 kr (including 600 kr deposit) 

Places: 16

How to Apply: Via the application form below You will be asked to submit a current CV.  To apply for an assisted place, please also provide a short paragraph stating your reasons. 

Det Andre Teatret


Ivan Bjørndals gate 9, 0472 Oslo