22 NOVEMBER & 26 -28 NOVEMBER 2021
4 day intensive scene study workshop for actors, led by British theatre director Oliver Dawe
This workshop is for professional actors who are serious about developing a methodological approach to both classical and contemporary work in the English language.
The intensive 4 day workshop will comprise in-depth scene studies in English from a range of theatrical texts from dramatists such as Lope de Vega, Chekhov, Moliere, Brecht, Miller, Williams, Becket, Pinter, Churchill & McDonagh.
The practical investigation of these texts will illuminate and solve a range of problems that the modern actor can encounter. Through exploring the specific demands of these varying styles and genres of theatre, a whole toolbox is opened up to the actor to create intelligent, honest and dynamic work.
Times and Dates: 10:00 – 17:00.
Day 1: Monday 22/11
Day 2: Friday 26/11
Day 3: Saturday 27/11
Day 4: Sunday 28/11
Venue: Det Andre Teatret, Ivan Bjørndals gate 9, 0472 Oslo
Cost: 2600 kr (including 600 kr deposit)
Places: 12
How to Apply: Via the application form below You will be asked to submit a current CV. To apply for an assisted place, please also provide a short paragraph stating your reasons.