10 JANUARY & 24 JANUARY 2022

One-on-one Shakespeare monologue workshop for actors, led by British theatre director Oliver Dawe

This workshop is for professional actors who are serious about developing a methodological approach to Shakespeare’s text in the English language. 

Each individual 2 hour, one-on-one session will explore rhetoric, text analysis, speaking verse, vocal stamina, embodied engagement with classical text, and character. Participants will work on monologues and soliloquies selected from the Shakespearean cannon.  

Times and Dates:  You will be assigned a 2 hour slot on Monday 10 January or Monday 24 January 2022, you can select the day.

Venue: Det Andre Teatret, Ivan Bjørndals gate 9, 0472 Oslo

Cost: 900 kr 

Places: 4 per day (You will be assigned a 2 hour slot)

How to Apply: Via the application form below You will be asked to submit a current CV.  To apply for an assisted place, please also provide a short paragraph stating your reasons. 

Det Andre Teatret


Ivan Bjørndals gate 9, 0472 Oslo