by Bettine Mackenzie
Hackney Showroom
24 - 27 July 2016
Edinburgh Festival (Underbelly)
August 2 – 30 2016
“★★★★ “An outstanding performance. Somehow, despite the stage only being occupied by one person, I’m left with the feeling that I’ve been in the presence of a diverse range of characters... something really magnificent.”
— Edinburgh Spotlight
“If you are planning to be an actor you’ll have to see this show: it’s a complete masterclass.”
— Broadway Baby
★★★★ “A beautifully performed piece - a mastery of the form. We could believe utterly in those present although we could only hear one side... one of the most outstanding performances I have seen.”
— UK Theatre Web
“This was without question one of the most enjoyable and highest quality one woman shows I have ever had the pleasure to see... Mackenzie captivates the audience,”
East Riding Theatre - 2017
Kings Cross Platform Theatre -2017
Galway International Arts Festival -2017
Bettine Mackenzie
Director | Oliver Dawe
Sound Design & Composer | Josh Spear
Photography | Gavin Smart
'Canapes, Caviar and Crisis: the inconvenience of hosting a successful dinner party and ones personal traumas at the same time'
Lucinda knows this party needs to be a success. As well as commemorating her wealthy husband's untimely death, it's a good way to encourage some desperately needed philanthropy. Having already sold the billiards table, she can't bear to see the silver go. Worse still, the bridge club is threatening to cancel her membership. Reality is seeping in through the blinds faster than one can fix the moth holes. Can she prevent it from exposing the truth?
Exploring the social rules that sustain a system protected by pack mentality, this one woman show looks at the decay of a ruling class - beneath the pomp and circumstance.